RNDr. Lenka Špičáková, Ph.D. (*1958) pracuje jako odborný pracovník v týmu Povrchové procesy a paleoklima, kde se zabývá studiem klastických sedimentárních hornin. Pomocí sedimentologických a sekvenčně stratigrafických metod zkoumá vliv morfologie, tektoniky, přínosu sedimentu a pohybu hladiny moře na architekturu pánevní výplně. Podílela se též na interpretaci postsedimentárního porušení pánevních výplní České křídové pánve a Chebské pánve.
Odborné publikace
- Špičáková, L. & Uličný, D., 2014. Phases of the mid-Cenomanian transgression recorded in a composite palaeovalley fill – the Horoušany quarry, Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. In: Cretaceous Basins of Central Europe, edited by: M. Wilmsen, D. Uličný and M. Košťák. Zeitschrift des deutchen Gesselschafts der Geowissenschaften, 12, 165(4), pp. 591-619. DOI: 10.1127/zdgg/2014/0028
- Uličný, D., L. Špicáková, R. Grygar, M. Svobodová, S. Čech and J. Laurin (2009), Palaeodrainage systems at the basal unconformity of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin: Roles of inherited fault systems and basement lithology during the onset of basin filling, Bulletin of Geosciences 84 (4) , pp. 577-610, link.
- Špičáková, L., D. Uličný, and G. Koudelková (2000). Tectonosedimentary evolution of the Cheb Basin (NW Bohemia, Czech Republic) between Late Oligocene and Pliocene: a preliminary note. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, v. 44, p. 556-580, DOI: 10.1023/A:1021819802569.
- Uličný, D., J. Kvaček, M. Svobodová, and L. Špičáková (1997). High-frequency sea-level fluctuations and plant habitats in cenomanian fluvial to estuarine succession: Pecinov quarry, Bohemia, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 136 (1-4) , pp. 165-197, DOI: 10.1016/S0031-0182(97)00033-3.
- Uličný, D. and L. Špičáková (1996). Response to high-frequency sea-level change in a fluvial to estuarine succession: Cenomanian paleovalley fill, Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. In: J. A. Howell and J. F. Aitken.(eds.): High-resolution Sequence Stratigraphy: Innovations and Applications. Geological Society Special Publication 104, p. 247-268. The Geological Society, London.

RNDr. Lenka Špičáková Ph.D.
odborný pracovník
Povrchové procesy a paleoklima
+420 267 103 063
číslo dveří 208
- 1984 graduated in Geology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague
- 1984-1986 postgraduate stay, Institute of Geology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
- 1986 RNDr. in geology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague
- 1987-1992 postgraduate study, Czech Geological Survey, Prague
- 1993-1999 PhD study at Dept. of Petrology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague; supervisor: Jiří Pešek, co-supervisor David Uličný; PhD thesis: Controls on depositional architecture of fluvial deposits, south-western margin of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin
- 1994 Imperial College, London, UK (two months study stay, field courses in structural and sedimentary geology)
- 1986 engineer geologist, Projektový ústav ČSVD
- 1995 – present researcher, Geophysical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
- Charles University: 1993-1995 Sedimentary Petrology (labs, field trips)
Členství v odborných organizacích
- AAPG (American Association of Petroleum Geologists), student member, 1994-96
- IAS (International Association of Sedimentologists)
Řešené granty
- Global and regional controls on relative sea-level change and palaeoenvironments, Bohemian Cretaceous Basin., principal investigator: D. Uličný, co-investigators: S. Čech, M. Svobodová, L. Špičáková, 1994 GAČR – 205/94/1744
- Sedimentary environment and depositional dynamics of fluvial deposits, Bohemian Cretaceous Basin., investigators: Špičáková, L., Svobodová M., 1994 MŠMT ČR – PV 403/1994/VŠAV
- Evolution of the Cheb Basin: Neogene tectonics and basin fill., principal investigator: L. Špičáková, co-investigators: D. Uličný, G. Koudelková, 1997 GA AVČR – A3012705/1997
- Controls on basin-fill architecture in intracontinental extensional and strike-slipe basins: examples from the Cretaceous and Neogene, Bohemian Massif., principal investigator: D. Uličný, co-investigator: L. Špičáková, 2001 GAČR – 205/01/0629
- Record of tectonic processes and sea-level change during inception of an intracontinental basin: Cenomanian of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin., principal investigator: L. Špičáková, 2006-2008 GAČR GA205/06/1823
- Interactions between water-mass circulation, hydrodynamic conditions of sedimentation, and relative sea-level changes in an epeiric seaway: the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Central Europe, principal investigator: D. Uličný , 2006-2008 GAAVČR IAA300120609
- Rebilance zásob podzemních vod (Review of groundwater resources in the Czech Republic), member of the team, 2012-2014 MŽP Operačního programu Životní prostředí, id. číslo projektu 1559996.
Workshops and conferences co-organization:
- D. Uličný & L. Špičáková : Sequence stratigraphy: a field exercise in basics. 2-day field course, MND-International E&P, September 21-22, 2006.
- D. Waltham, D. Bosence, G. Nichols (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK), & D.Uličný: Computer modelling of stratigraphy and sedimentary processes. IAS Short Course, October 24-27, 2000, Prague.
- 5th Meeting of the Czech Tectonic Studies Group, Bublava – Krušné hory, Czech Republic, April 12-15, 2000.
- G.Plint (University of Western Ontario, Canada) & D.Uličný : Clastic Sequence Stratigraphy: A Tool in Basin Analysis. IAS Short Course, May 22-27, 1999, Prague.
- Sedimentary Geology in Czech Republic, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic , 23. a 24. January 1996.
Ph. D. školení
- L. Caracciolo: Composizione, Provenienza e Diagenesi delle Areniti della Formazione di Peruc-Korycany (Cenomaniano), bacino Cretaceo Boemo, Repubblica Ceca. Tesi di laurea, Universita degli studi della Calabria. (Co-supervision; principal supervisor S. Critelli). – defended 2005
Professional awards:
- 2007 AAPG Award of Excellence for a “Top Ten Poster Presentation”: Uličný D., Špičáková L., Laurin J., Grygar R., Čech S., 2007: Clues to Evolution of an Intracontinental, Transtensional Basin System: Clastic Sequence Geometries in the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Central Europe. In: Abstracts, 2007 AAPG Annual Meeting and Exhibition, April 1-4, 2007, Long Beach.
- 1997 Award of the Czech Tectonic Studies Group, “Best Czech geoscience paper by a young author in 1997” for the paper by Uličný, D. and Špičáková, L. 1996. Response to high-frequency sea-level change in a fluvial to estuarine succession: Cenomanian paleovalley fill, Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. In: J. A. Howell and J. F. Aitken.(eds.): High-resolution Sequence Stratigraphy: Innovations and Applications. Geological Society Special Publication 104, 247-268. The Geological Society, London.