Team Leader: Dr. Petr Kolínský


The team deals with detailed modelling of the continental lithosphere by applying multi-method and inter-disciplinary approach. We have coined a holistic approach to the lithosphere research by combining our seismological results with relevant findings in other geophysical disciplines, as well as in tectonics, petrology and geochemistry. We search how the crust and the underlying mantle lithosphere were formed and evolved during plate-tectonic processes since the origin of primordial continents.
We participated in the pan-European multidisciplinary project AlpArray, which focused on the Alps and adjacent areas. The project was based on a large-scale passive seismic experiment and tested the linkage of the Earth’s surface and the mantle by integrating 3D imaging of the entire crust-upper mantle system with geologic observations and modeling.
The AdriaArray experiment, during which the entire Adria plate is covered by a dense network of seismic stations, belongs among the most recent activities of the team. The array collects data to answer questions about the structures of the plate itself, as well as its interaction with surrounding plates.The program is based on a large-scale passive seismic experiment and tests linkage of the Earth surface and the mantle by integrating 3D imaging of the entire crust-upper mantle system with geologic observations and modelling.

Current projects


Recognition of remote velocity anomalies in the upper mantle (GAČR, 2023-2025, GA23-06370S) P. Kolínský

Continental Lithosphere: a Broadscale Investigation (CoLiBrI) (ILP Task Force IV, 2021-2025)

MOBNET in AdriaArray – Pan-European multi-disciplinary reserach of Adriatic plate (GAČR, 2021-2023, GA21-25710S, J. Plomerová)


Mgr. Petr Kolínský, Ph.D. Senior researcher
(team leader)
Earth crust and upper mantle, surface waves from earthquakes and ambient noise, small aperture arrays, rotational components of seismic waves, permanent / temporary seismic station deployment, software development
RNDr. Jaroslava Plomerová, DrSc. Senior researcher lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary, seismic tomography and anisotropy, interpretation of joint inversion of anisotropic parameters, data archiving, organizing passive seismic experiments
RNDr. Helena Žlebčíková, Ph.D. Postdoctoral fellow coupled anisotropic-isotropic seismic tomography, seismic anisotropy, lithosphere structure
RNDr. Luděk Vecsey, Ph.D. Researcher seismic anisotropy, shear-wave splitting, joint inversion of body-wave anistropic parameters, data quality control and archiving
RNDr. Jiří Kvapil, Ph.D. Research and development worker 3D modelling of the crust, ambient noise tomography, seismic anisotropy, data archiving
Mgr. Hana Kampfová Exnerová Research assistant structure of the crust, receiver functions, data quality control and archiving, field work
Ing. Petr Jedlička Research and development worker hardware/software of the MOBNET seismic pool, field work, seismic observatory service


RNDr. Vladislav Babuška, DrSc. was a researcher and a long-term member of the team studying the structure of the continental lithosphere.

Since 1991 we have organized and participated in several international passive seismic experiments, covering vast regions of Europe, from Scandinavia through the Bohemian Massif to the Mediterranean. The team has participated in building the IG CAS pool of mobile seismic stations MOBNET, installed in targeted passive experiments in regions of different tectonics. The temporary dense networks record seismic waves, which illuminate the Earth and allow us to model the structure of the crust and upper mantle. Tomography images of the upper mantle are based on deviations of body-wave propagation and incorporate effects of seismic anisotropy. Fabrics of the continental mantle lithosphere are studied by joint inversion and/or interpretation of body-wave anisotropic parameters (directional variations of body-wave propagation and shear-wave splitting) and novel coupled anisotropic-isotropic tomography. The almost ubiquitous large-scale seismic anisotropy of the lithosphere and the underlying mantle stems from a systematic orientation of minerals and rocks, particularly olivine in the mantle. Ambient noise tomography and receiver functions are applied to retrieve 3D models of the crust. Resulting anisotropic models of the lithosphere and the upper mantle can be used in interpretations of other geoscience disciplines.

Passive seismic experiments

Finished projects

  • AdriaArry in Bulgaria (CAS Mobility Project, 2020-2022)
  • AdriaArray in Slovakia (CAS Mobility Plus Project, 2021-2022)


  • CRAB1.0 – A regional-scale crustal model of Bohemian Massif at 0.2°N x 0.3°E from ambient noise tomography