The Institute of Geophysics is a public research institution whose mission is to conduct fundamental and applied research in the Earth sciences, to maintain a network of Earth observation facilities, and to engage in education and informing the public on scientific issues of high societal importance.

Research Teams

We conduct fundamental research in the Earth Sciences


We participate in EU-based and international research projects


We organize presentations and events for the public and offer expert advice to the media


We provide access to geophysical data and interpretations


Beno Gutenberg Medal for RNDr. Jaroslava Plomerová, DrSc.

The Institute of Geophysics is delighted to announce that the European Geosciences Union (EGU) has awarded the 2024 Beno Gutenberg Medal to our colleague RNDr. Jaroslava Plomerová, DrSc.   This medal was established by the Seismology Division in recognition of the...

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Guest Lecture: Frank Zwaan – 30. November / 15:00

Lecture by: Frank Zwaan (GFZ Helmholz Centre, Potsdam, Germany) Topic: Tectonic modelling of rifting and basin inversion for natural hydrogen gas (H2) exploration Place: GFÚ Lecture Hall / 3:00 pm Abstract: Modelling of tectonic processes provides key insights into...

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Salt diapir evolution in laboratory modelling

A study in which scientists combined findings from the field mapping of the Les Avellanes salt diapir in the Pyrenees and laboratory modelling of its formation. Geodynamic processes take place on a large scale and happen over a very long time. „We gain a better...

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