The Institute of Geophysics is a public research institution whose mission is to conduct fundamental and applied research in the Earth sciences, to maintain a network of Earth observation facilities, and to engage in education and informing the public on scientific issues of high societal importance.

Research Teams

We conduct fundamental research in the Earth Sciences


We participate in EU-based and international research projects


We organize presentations and events for the public and offer expert advice to the media


We provide access to geophysical data and interpretations


“Early Ice Sheets” project fieldwork completed for 2022

GFÚ researchers, Lotta Ylä-Mella and Kaleb Wagner, sampled ancient glacial deposits at field sites stretching from Denmark to Lithuania this summer as part of their GAČR-funded PhD projects. Members of the Surface Processes & Paleoclimate team completed the first...

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Invited lecture: Gylfi P. Hersir – Oct 5 / 15:00

GFÚ hosts a guest talk by Gylfi P. Hersir from Iceland GeoSurvey (ÍSOR) with his lecture " The Reykjanes Peninsula, SW-Iceland: Increased seismicity and surface deformation followed by volcanic eruptions. What is going on there?“ GFÚ Lecture Hall - 3 pm

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Supercomputers help geophysicists

There are fields of geophysics, that rely on numerical modeling or the analysis of huge datasets. With the help of supercomputing, we are able to model complex systems or make sense of large and complicated datasets. IT4Innovations (IT4I) is a Czech national research...

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