The Sporilov Geopark is located on the premises of the Institute of Geophysics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Sporilov, part of Prague 4 district, and is accessible from the Jihozapadni IV street. It is open to the public daily and features more than 40 rock blocks accompanied by explanatory texts and other educational materials. The Geopark was built by our Institute, with financial contribution from the Prague 4 district council.
The purpose of our geopark is not only to show the diversity and beauty of the rocks, but, in the first place, to help visitors understand how and why rocks form, and how they preserve the record of past events in the history of our planet. The samples selected for display come mainly from the Bohemian Massif, a geological unit forming most of the Czech Republic. With the help of educational materials posted in the park and on our website, the public thus can gain a better understanding of the long and varied geological evolution of our country, and link it to hands-on experience provided by the rocks themselves. We are grateful to a number of companies and individuals for providing or helping us obtain the samples.
Opening hours
During winter (1.11. – 28.2.)
from 7:30 AM till 4:00 PM
During summer (1.3. – 31.10.)
from 7:30 AM till 8:00 PM
Boční II/1401, Prague 4 – Spořilov
entrance from Jihozápadní IV street
Metro: Roztyly (line C)