MOBNET is a pool of seismic stations installed temporarily in tectonically different regions in the frame of collaborative seismic experiments. The pool has been developed step by step since 1998 and it consisted of 65 portable units at the end of 2016. Pairs of seismometer-data acquisition systems create each of the mobile units. About half of seismometers of the pool are the short period Lennartz Le-3D (32 pieces), the rest are tree-component broad-band seismometers – STS2 and Guralp (CMG-3T, CMG-3ESP, CMG-40T). GAIA data acquisition systems work mostly in offline regime, reporting daily the state-of-health for all of the stations via ‘sms’. Online data transmission is also possible. Previously, the stations of the pool have been involved, e.g., in the RETREAT (N. Apennines), LAPNET (N. Finland), PASSEQ (central Europe), MOSAIC, and BOHEMA (Bohemian Massif) passive seismic experiments. Currently, twenty broad-band stations are involved in the large collaborative European project AlpArray and have been involved in the AlpArray complementary passive experiment EASI.
Contact: Jan Šílený
Institute of Geophysics
Boční II/1401, 14131 Prague 4
Data acquisition systems
- Vistec/Jupiter (6 units)
- Vistec/Gaia 1 (30 units)
- Vistec/Gaia 2 (17units)
- Vistec/Gaia 3 (8 units)
- Vistec/Gaia 5 (10 units)
- 32 short-period 3-component seismometers Lennartz Le3D
- 15 broad-band 3-component seismometers Streckeisen STS-2
- 13 broad-band 3-component seismometers CMG-3ESP
- 2 broad-band 3-component seismometers CMG-3T
- 1 broad-band 3-component seismometers CMG-40T
active station
closed station
Project AlpArray
(a broad international cooperation)
Network coordinator: J. Plomerová
Instruments: 20 Vistec/Gaia, 20 broad-band seismometers
Location: Bohemian Massif (Czech Republic)
Period: August 2015 – 2019
Purpose: study of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Alps and their surroundings
Project AlpArray-EASI
(a broad international cooperation)
Network coordinator: J. Plomerová
Instruments: 20 Vistec/Gaia, 20 broad-band seismometers
Location: Bohemian Massif (Czech Republic, Germany)
Period: August 2014 – August 2015
Purpose: study of the crust and upper mantle structure from the Bohemian Massif, across the Alps towards the Venezia Basin
Network coordinator: J. Horálek
Instruments: 15 Vistec/Gaia, 14 CMG-40T, 1 Le3D
Location: SW Iceland
Period: August 2013 – present
Purpose: Monitoring of earthquake swarms in the Reykjanes peninsula
Network coordinator: J. Plomerová
Instruments: 11 Vistec/Gaia, 11 broad-band seismometers
Location: Czech Republic Period: November 2012 –July 2014
Purpose: study of velocity structure and anisotropy of the upper mantle in contact of the Brunovistulian unit with the eastern Bohemian Massif
Project EgerRift
Network coordinator: J. Plomerová
Instruments: 30 Vistec/Gaia, 15 broad-band and 15 Le3D seismometers
Location: Czech Republic, Germany
Period: August 2007-January 2011
Purpose: study of velocity structure and anisotropy of the upper mantle around the Eger Rift
Project LAPNET
Network coordinator: J. Plomerová
Instruments: 5 Gaia, 5 STS-2 seismometres
Location: northern Finland
Period: August 2007 – September 2009
Purpose: study of the upper mantle structure of northern Fennoscandian Shield
Project PASSEQ
(broad international cooperation)
Network coordinator: J. Plomerová
Instruments: 24 Gaia, 11 broad-band seismometers (STS-2, CMG-3T,-ESP, -40T), 13 Le-3D
Location: Bohemian Massif (Czech Republic) and Poland
Period: July 2006 – July 2008
Purpose: study of the upper mantle structure across the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ)
Network coordinator: J. Plomerová
Instruments: 17 Vistec/Gaia, 5Vistec/Jupiter; 11 Le3D, 11 broad-band seismometers
Location: Czech Republic, Austria
Period: June 2005 – August 2006
Purpose: study of velocity structure and anisotropy of the upper mantle beneath southern Bohemian Massif
(Czech- German co-operation)
Network coordinator: J. Plomerová, V. Babuška
Instruments: 17 Vistec/Gaia, 5Vistec/Jupiter; 11 Le3D, 11 broad-band seismometers
Location: Czech Republic
Period: March 2004 – June 2005
Purpose: study of study of velocity structure and anisotropy of the upper mantle beneath northern Bohemain Massif
(US – Italian – Czech co-operation)
Network coordinator: J. Plomerová, V. Babuška
Instruments: 10 Vistec/Gaia, 10 STS-2
Location: Northern Apennines, N. Italy
Period: Autumn 2003 – Autumn 2006
Purpose: study of anisotropy of the upper mantle
Project BOHEMA
(Czech-French-German co-operation)
Network coordinator: J. Plomerová, V. Babuška
Instruments: 6 Vistec/Jupiter DAS, 2 CMG-3T, CMG-40T 3 CMG-3ESP
Location: Czech Republic Period: September 2001– January 2003
Purpose: study of velocity structure and anisotropy of the upper mantle beneath the western Bohemain Massif
Project MOSAIC
(Czech-French co-operation)
Network coordinator: J. Plomerová
Instruments: 3 Vistec/Jupiter DAS, 2 CMG-3T, CMG-40T
Location: Czech Republic
Period: August 1998 – April 1999
Purpose: pilot study of velocity structure and anisotropy of the upper mantle beneath the Bohemian Massif