Seismological station Skalice (SKAC) near Litoměřice was established in 2013 for monitoríng of seismic activity in North Bohemia in connection with geothermal project RINGEN. Station is equipped with three component broadband seismometer and connected to internet. Digital data are transferred in real time to the Institute of Geophysics.
The picture refreshes every 10 minutes. Time is in Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC) which differs from Central European Time by 1 hour in winter
time and 2 hours in summer time. Amplitude scale of ground velocity is
in nm/s.

Coordinates: 50.5678N 14.1357E
Altitude: 349 m
Seismometer: broadband sensor Guralp CMG-40T
Recording system: RUP-SEIS/24
Sampling frequency: 20/100 Hz
Dynamic range: 140 dB
Frequency range: 0.02-30 s
Data format: miniSEED, GSE2.1
Available data: May 2013 – present
Operator: geothermal project RINGEN
Contact person: Josef Vlček –