Seismological station Praha (PRA) was established in 1924 by Prof. Láska in the cellar of the Institute of Physics of Charles University at Karlov. Since 1927 station PRA is involved into the international seismological exchange. It was the second station in Europe to calculate the magnitude of earthquakes. During the years both the affiliation (State Institute of Geophysics, Geophysical Institute, Charles University) and instumentation (horizontal Wiechert, Kirnos, Guralp) changed. At present station PRA is equipped with broadband instrumentation. Digital data are transferred in real time to Institute of Geophysics, Data are also used for educational purposed. Station PRA is part of the Czech Regional Seismic Network.

Coordinates: 50.0702N 14.4331E
Altitude: 225 m
Seismometre: broadband sensor Guralp CMG-3T
Recording system: Gurlap DAS U-S3
Sampling frequency: 20 Hz
Dynamic range: 140 dB
Frequency range: 0.02-120 s
Data format: GCF, miniSEED
Metadata: dataless SEED, stationxml
Available data: April 2012 – present
Operator: Faculty of Mathematics-Physics of the Charles University in Prague
Contact person: Vladimír Plicka –