Seismological station Maruška (MAUC) was established in 2015 in the frame of international project AlpArray at the meteorological station Maruška in the Hostýn-Vsetín Mountains. Station is equipped with three component broadband recording system located in a shallow well. Digital data are transferred in real time to the Institute of Geophysics and are used by seismological service for location of near seismic events.
The picture refreshes every 10 minutes. Time is in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) which differs from Central European Time by 1 hour in winter time and 2 hours in summer time. Amplitude scale of ground velocity is in nm/s.

Coordinates: 49.3655N 17.8278E
Altitude: 659 m
Seismometer: broadband sensor Guralp CMG-3ESP
Recording system: Gaia I
Sampling frequency: 20/100 Hz
Dynamic range: 140 dB
Frequency range: 0.02-30 s
Data format: miniSEED
Available data: Sep 2015 – present
Operator: Institute of Geophysics CAS
Contact person: Jan Zedník –