Seismological station Hora Sv. Kateřiny (HSKC) was established in 2002 in the frame of the international project Bohema. It is deployed in a short tunnel on a private property. In 2014 the station was equipped with broadband seismometer and was involved in the international AlpArray project. Digital data are transferred in real time to the Insitutte of Geophysics. The station is part of the Czech Regional Seismic Network.

Coordinates: 50.60745N 13.43198E
Altitude: 590 m
Seismometer: broadband sensor Streckeisen STS-2
Recording system: Quanterra Q330S
Sampling frequency: 100 Hz
Dynamicrange: 140 dB
Frequency range: 0.02-120 s
Data format: miniSEED
Metadata: dataless SEED, stationxml
Available data: November 2014 – prsent
Operator: Institute of Geophysics CAS
Contact person: Jan Zedník –