Seismological station Pecný (GOPC) is part of the Geodetical observatory Pecný operated by the Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography. Broadband seismometr Guralp is situated in a borehole at depth 60 meters since 2010. Data are transferred in real time to Charles University and to the Institute of Geophysics. Station GOPC is part of the Czech Regional Seismic Network.

Coordinates: 49.9140N 14.7870E
Altitude: 545 m
Seismometr: broadband sensor Guralp CMG-3TD
Recording system: Guralp Scream
Sampling frequency: 20/100 Hz
Dynamic range: 140 dB
Frequency range: 0.02-360 s
Data format: miniSEED, Guralp CFG
Metadata: dataless SEED, stationxml
Available data: April 2010 – dosud
Operator: Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, Zdiby
Contact person: Jakub Kostelecký –