Seismological station Dobruška/Polom (DPC) was established in 1992 in the bunker of the Military geodetical institute at Polom in the Orlické hory Mts. Station DPC provides excellent seismic signals thanks to very low level of seismic noise. Digital data are transferred in real time to the Institute of Geophysics. Station DPC is part of the Czech Reional Seismic Network and also the Federation of Digital Seismic Network which consists of about 200 selected high-quality broadband stations used among others for fast location of potentially damaging earthquakes.

Coordinates: 50.3502N 16.3222E
Altitude: 748 m
Seismometer: very broadband sensor Streckeisen STS-6A, accelerograph EpiSensor
Recording system: Quanterra Q330HR
Sampling frequency: 100 Hz
Dynamic range: 140 dB
Frequency range: 0.02-120 s
Data format: miniSEED
Metadata: dataless SEED, stationxml
Available data: August 1992 – present
Operator: Institute of Geophysics in cooperation with VGHMÚř Dobruška
Contact person: Jan Zedník –