Space-time distribution of foci in Reykjanes Peninsula, SW of IcelandWorking package WP4 of the NASPMON project
1. Maps of epicenters
Short description:
Maps of epicenters of earthquakes based on automatic detection and location using RAPL software in the period of September 2013- December 2023. The maps show the same dataset using different magnitude filtration from ML>0 (~ 70k points) up to ML>3 (~1k points) with the same color and symbol radius scaled by magnitude, some also color coded by time or depth.
Figures to download:
ML>0 in .png and .pdf, ML>0.5 in .png and .pdf, ML>1 in .png and .pdf, ML>1.5 in .png and .pdf, ML>2 in .png and .pdf, ML>2.5 in .png and .pdf, ML>3 in .png and .pdf
ML>0 color coded by sequence number in .png and .pdf, ML>2 color coded by sequence number in .png and .pdf
ML>0 color coded by depth in .png and .pdf, ML>2 color coded by depth in .png and .pdf
ML>0 color coded by year in .png and .pdf
ESRI Shapefiles:
ML>0 in .zip archive, ML>0.5 in .zip archive, ML>1 in .zip archive, ML>1.5 in .zip archive, ML>2 in .zip archive, ML>2.5 in .zip archive, ML>3 in .zip archive

All epicenters with magnitude above ML=0, color coded by sequential number

All epicenters with magnitude above ML=0, color coded by year

All epicenters with magnitude above ML=0, color coded by depth

All epicenters with magnitude above ML=0, size scaled by magnitude

All epicenters with magnitude above ML=1, size scaled by magnitude

All epicenters with magnitude above ML=2, size scaled by magnitude

All epicenters with magnitude above ML=3, size scaled by magnitude
2. Open access database of earthquakes
Short description:
All events automatically located by RAPL software for the whole 2013-2023 period are available to search, filter and download through phpMyAdmin web UI. Also a set of published moment tensors can be accessed there. More freely available earthquake data produced during NASPMON project will be published there later. The database is called naspmon and a user called naspmon without a password can be used to access the data.
Table description:
- events_rapl – automatically retrieved event locations based on automatic detection and location using RAPL software in the period of September 2013- December 2023 with magnitude above ML>0.
- moment_tensors – moment tensor catalog of events from the 2017 earthquake swarm in Fagradalsfjall (as published in Hrubcová, P., Vavryčuk, V., 2023. Tectonic stress changes related to plate spreading prior to the 2021
Fagradalsfjall eruption in SW Iceland, Tectonophysics,, see detailed column description here. - moment_tensors_best – moment tensor catalog of the most stable events from the 2017 earthquake swarm in Fagradalsfjall, see detailed column description here.