Automatic seismic data processingR.A.P.L. – Reykjanes Automatic Picking and Location software
Working package WP3 of the NASPMON project
Short description:
R.A.P.L. – Reykjanes Automatic Picking and Location is a computer program designed for automatic location of seismic events on Reykjanes peninsula (SW Iceland). The code could be used for any other region but the algorithms and parameters have been tested for this specific setting. Also a certain directory structure and naming convention is supposed so it could be easily applied to existing data structure.
First the MSEED waveform files are loaded and three component data for each station are processed to search for possible P and S phases using polarization analysis and STA/LTA ratio. In the next step the program tries to associate phases to obtain groups that are related to the same seismic event. Minimum 3 S phases and 1 P phase has to be found to form an event. The individual events are then located and local magnitude is estimated.
The program is written in MATLAB and compiled for 64-bit unix OS. To run the executable MATLAB Runtime version 9.13 must be installed, for details see
Documentation in pdf can be found here
Zipped archive with all related files including executable can be downloaded here (size ~ 600kB)
Zipped archive with all related files including executable and testing seismograms can be downloaded from here (size ~ 1.1GB)