project websiteNAtural Seismicity as a Prospecting and MONnitoring tool for geothermal energy extraction
Basic data
- project title: Natural Seismicity as a Prospecting and Monitoring tool for geothermal energy extraction
- acronym: NASPMON
- funding: The project NASPMON benefits from a € 1 370 000 grant from Iceland,
Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants and the Technology Agency of the Czech
Republic within the KAPPA Programme. - identification code: TO01000198
- duration: 01/2021 – 04/2024
- institutes:
- Institute of Geophysics, Czech Academy of Sciences – main applicant, project promoter
- Iceland GeoSurvey – project partner
- Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics, Czech Academy of Sciences – project partner
- Faculty of Science, Charles University – project partner
- V1 – Maps of earthquake hypocentres on the Reykjanes Peninsula (Nmap type)
- V2 – Upgrade of the REYKJANET network to on-line, real time data transfer (O type)
- V3 – Reykjanes Automatic Picking and Location software (R type)
- V4 – Open access database of earthquake parameters (S type)
- V5 – Time and space distribution of hypocentres, imaging of faults (Jimp type)
- V6 – Source mechanisms and local stress analyses (Jimp type)
- V7 – Interpretation of seismic and other geophysical data (Jimp type)
- V9 – Open access waveform data (S type) – publicly accessible after embargo period (restricted until 04/26)
- V10 – Updated ground motion model for Reykjanes Peninsula (R type)
- V11 – Improvement of routine seismic monitoring (O type)
- V12 – Maps of the seismic velocities (Nmap type)
- V13 – Deep long period seismicity preceding and during the 2021 Fagradalsfjall eruption, Iceland (Jimp type)
- V14 – Czech-Iceland workshop on the TAČR project: NAtural Seismicity as a Prospecting and MONitoring tool for geothermal energy extraction (NASPMON) (W type)
- V15 – Deformation and seismicity decline before the 2021 Fagradalsfjall eruption (Jimp type)
- 2024/05/24 – maps of epicenters can be found on the webpage with WP4 (Space-time distribution of earthquake foci) results
- 2024/04/30 – software RAPL, result of WP3 – Automatic data processing, has been published on a separate webpage
- 2024/04/26 – the final meeting of our project took place in Reykjavík on 24th April
- 2024/04/19 – the last data collection and seismic network has just started. All stations will be put to the best possible shape to increase the sustainability of the current stations
- 2023/11/26 – the results of Upper crustal seismic models were published on a separate webpage
- 2023/09/18 – another fieldwork trip was performed between 3rd and 14th September. Some of the stations needed new solar panels and wind generators repairs.
- 2023/09/08 – new principal investigator was approved by TACR. Jan Burjánek is now the leader of the project.
- 2023/05/16 – The ambassador of Iceland María Erla Marelsdóttir with a deputy head of mission Ágúst Már Ágústsson during their visit of Czechia visited also Institute of Geophysics as one of the EEA grant beneficaries and we were honoured to present NASPMON project to them. Also a consultant of our grant project from TACR Zuzana Dostálová and Renata Mánková from the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic joined the meeting hosted by the director of IG Aleš Špičák.
- 2023/05/13 – the technicians spent almost a week in the field to perform spring maintenance of the seismic network REYKJANET. The station at Ísólfsskáli (ISS) was renewed and moved back to its original location from Skökugil (SKG).
- 2023/05/02 – seven members of NASPMON team presented their scientific results at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly in Vienna (24th-28th April) and were co-authors of many other presentations.
- 2023/03/13 – most of the researchers of our team took part in a collaborative meeting and workshop in Cambridge on 8th and 9th of March. Two days full of interesting talks about current geophysical research of Iceland and social events will be beneficial for the future collaboration of all teams involved.
- 2022/10/10 – the second annual meeting of the research team took place in October at the Institute of Geophysics with high attendance of the scientific community. The program was crowned by an invited lecture of our former project colleague Gylfi P. Hersir
- 2022/09/30 – the second annual meeting will take place at the Institute of Geophysics on 4th October. The morning session will be opened to all scientific community while the afternoon is reserved for a detailed discussions of members of each work package.
- 2022/09/29 – our former team member Gylfi P. Hersir is going to give a lecture The Reykjanes Peninsula, SW-Iceland: Increased seismicity and surface deformation followed by volcanic eruptions. What is going on there? st the IG on 5th October.
- 2022/07/14 – a paper entitled Swarm seismicity illuminates stress transfer prior to the 2021 Fagradalsfjall eruption in Iceland by our team of T.Fischer, P.Hrubcová, A.Salama, J.Doubravová, T.Ágústsdóttir, E.Á.Gudnason, J.Horálek, G.P.Hersir was published in Earth and Planetary Science Letter journal. The article is published with a gold open access and is therefore immediately free to be accessed and read without restrictions and free of charge.
- 2021/09/08 – A Steering committee meeting (on 7th September) and the first annual meeting (on 8th September) took place in Reykjavík (with a virtual presence of some of the Czech participants via conference call). The steering committee will meet each 6 months while the scientific meetings should be organised once a year. The next annual meeting will be in Prague during the summer of 2021. The detailed program and minutes of the two meetings as well as some of the presentations will be uploaded to ‘Files’ section soon.
- 2021/08/26 – This summer, two new stations were added to the REYKJANET seismic network, one in Bláfjöll (BLF) and one in Selvogsheiði (SVH) (red circles on map). The main purpose of installation was to obtain a better coverage of seismic activity on the eastern part of the Reykjanes Peninsula. Additionally, our station at Ísólfsskáli (ISS) was moved to a new location at Skökugil (SKG), just southeast of the previous location. This was a precaution; an action taken to both prevent the lava flow from reaching the station, and to consequently prevent inaccessibility of the station. The seismic network, operated by CAS and ÍSOR, now consists of 17 seismic stations, all streaming data in real-time.
- 2021/04/18 – A twitter account for NASPMON project has been created
- 2021/04/16 – The minutes and presentations from the kick-off meeting have been uploaded. Contact list of participants can be found in the minutes document.
- 2021/04/10 – The kick-off meeting took place on 9th April 2021 online both in Prague and Reykjavík. The minutes, presentations and mailing list will be uploaded soon.
- 2021/03/10 – Kick-off meeting will be held online on Friday, 9th April 2021

- program of the Final Meeting
- program of the Second Annual Meeting
- invitation to G. P. Hersir’s talk
- minutes of the First Annual Meeting
- presentation on WP8 by G. P. Hersir (1st Annual Meeting)
- preliminary results of WP7 by J. Málek (1st Annual Meeting)
- presentation of WP6 by B. Růžek (1st Annual Meeting)
- overview of WP5 tasks by J. Horálek (1st Annual Meeting)
- presentation of WP4 progress by J. Doubravová (1st Annual Meeting)
- presentation of current state of WP3 presented by R. L. Magnússon (1st Annual Meeting)
- presentation of WP2 progress by E. Á. Gudnason (1st Annual Meeting)
- presentation of the current state of Geldingadalir eruption by E. Á. Gudnason (1st Annual Meeting)
- opening presentation by J. Horálek (1st Annual Meeting)
- program of the First Annual Meeting
- minutes of the Steering Committee meeting of 7th September 2021
- initial version of the Data management plan
- Kick-off meeting minutes
- Kick-off meeting presentation on the project overview by J. Horálek is here
- Kick-off meeting presentation on REYKJANET data available
- Kick-off meeting presentation on the Work Packages and people involved
- Kick-off meeting presentation on the Tasks during the next-few-week
- Kick-off meeting presentation on the Geological and tectonic structure of the Reykjanes Peninsula by E. A. Gudnasson
- Kick-off meeting presentation on the Recent to present earthquake and volcanic activity on the Reykjanes Peninsula by Th. Ágústsdóttir
- Kick-off meeting presentation by G. P. Hersir on Seismological, geodynamic and geothermal research on the Reykjanes Peninsula
- Kick-off meeting introduction of ISOR people
- Kick-off meeting introduction of IG, IRSM and CU people
- Kick-off meeting program
Jan Burjánek
Thorbjörg Ágústsdóttir
Jiří Málek
Tomáš Fischer