At the moment, experts Hana Kampfová-Exnerová and Petr Jedlička from GFÚ (Structure of the Continental Lithosphere) are in Bulgaria and Romania checking the Czech seismic stations which are a part of the bigger international AdriaArray project. The AdriaArray project is dedicated to the study of the Earth’s structure, using a various methods including seismic tomography. Another important objective is to contribute to the monitoring of small earthquakes and thus better identify the distribution of faults in the Earth’s crust that are prone to generate further earthquakes.
The multidisciplinary project involves 63 institutions from 30 European countries, with a total of over 400 experts. Petr Kolínský from GFÚ (Structure of the Continental Lithosphere) coordinates the installation of all the temporary stations. There are currently 50 MOBNET seismic stations (GFÚ) deployed in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria. The stations were set up in previous years and need to be serviced regularly.
Map with marked stations of the AdriaArray project. MOBNET (blue triangles) is a set of GFU mobile seismic stations.
In March, a four-day AdriaArray workshop was held in Sofia (Bulgaria) and GFÚ was a co-organiser.
There were 102 scientists from 26 countries. The programme included plenary lectures as well as smaller thematic lectures (on seismicity and seismic hazard, tomography from body and surface waves, seismic noise processing and other methods). It was also an opportunity for collaborating research groups to directly address a number of practical issues. For example, experts discussed the technical questions of seismic data transmission, archiving and quality control.
AdriaArray workshop, Sofia (Bulgaria), March 2024. Photo by Gergana Georgieva. From GFÚ, Jaroslava Plomerová, Hana Kampfová Exnerová, Luděk Vecsey and Petr Kolínský took part in the workshop.
The installation of seismic stations in the framework of the AdriaArray project is supported by the project „Dynamic Planet Earth – Strategy AV21“ and by projects of the Czech Science Foundation „MOBNET in AdriaArray – Pan-European multi-disciplinary research of Adriatic plate“, GAČR (2021-2023; 21-25710S) and „Recognition of remote velocity anomalies in the upper mantle“, GAČR (2023-2025; 23-06370S).