MOBNET in AdriaArray – Pan-European multi-disciplinary reserach of Adriatic plate
The AdriaArray is a new European initiative, rooted on previous successful multidisciplinary AlpArray project realised in a broad international cooperation. The AdriaArray will cover the entire Adriatic plate in south-eastern Europe and will seek answers on fundamental questions related to plate geodynamics and deformation. We will install and keep running ~50 broad-band temporary seismic stations of the MOBNET pool of IG CAS in the project. Our data will contribute to a broad international research, in which we will concentrate prevailingly on the deep contact of the E. Alps – Carpatians – East European Craton – Pannonian Basin region and on the Adria/European plate contact and structure of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system beneath the central-east Balkan. We will apply different methods to unravel structure of the crust, lower lithosphere and upper mantle and perform joint inversions of independent data sets (seismic, gravity, magnetotelluric) for getting self-consistent realistic 3D velocity models contributing to understanding development of the European lithosphere.
AdriaArray will extend the high-resolution model of the Alps and surroundings towards the southeastern part of Europe, particularly to the Adria, its margins and contacts with the European plate. We will develop 3D self-consistent realistic models to explain geodynamics of the region.
Dr. Jaroslava Plomerová, principal researcher
Dr. Vladislav Babuška, researcher
Dr. Luděk Vecsey, researcher
Dr. Helena Žlebčíková, researcher
Dr. Jiří Kvapil, researcher
Hana Kampfová Exnerová, researcher
Petr Jedlička, technician
Josef Kotek, technician
Project duration: 2021 – 2023