The Library of the Institute of Geophysics CAS gathers, ensures storage, and provides access to publications from the field of geophysics and related areas. The Library provides its services in accordance with the Act 257/2001 Sb. Library Act. The Library is recorded at the Ministry of Culture as a basic library with specialized holdings under the reference number 3234/2002.

 Opening hours:

Monday – Friday
9:00 – 15:30

We kindly ask personal visitors to make an appointment before their visit.

Library services:

  • Administration of the books and periodical collection
  • Interlibrary Loan Service (MVS) and International Interlibrary Loan Service (MMVS)
  • ASEP (Repository of the publications)
  • Access to scientific databases
  • Open Access
  • Copying, printing, and scanning services 

Library rules (in Czech)



Hana Krejzlíková
kniha(at) ig (dot) cas (dot) cz
+420 267 103 028

Barbora Fabiánová
fabianov (at) ig (dot) cas (dot) cz
+420 267 103 029

Anežka Melichárková
melicharkova (at) ig (dot) cas (dot) cz

Interlibrary Loan Service
mvs (at) ig (dot) cas (dot) cz