Dr. Petr Brož (1984) works as the researcher at the Institute of Geophysics of the Czech Academy of Sciences from 2010, where he focuses on volcanism across the Solar system. He is mainly interested in kilometre-sized cones formed by explosive volcanic activity caused by magma degassing and water/magma interactions on the surface of Mars or by sedimentary volcanism. His research is based on the analysis of the remote sensing data from the morphological and morphometrical point of view as well as on analogue and numerical modelling.
He obtained his Ph.D. degree (in 2015) at the Faculty of Science of th Charles University in Prague. During his study he completed intership at the DLR (Germany) and at the Open University (United Kingdom).
Dr. Brož is a laureate of the prize Nadání Josefa, Marie a Zdenky Hlávkových for talented students and young researchers (under the age of 33) of the Czech Academy of Science and Otto Wichterle Award which is given by the Czech Academy of Sciences to stimulate and encourage selected, exceptionally outstanding, promising young scientists at the Czech Academy of Sciences for their remarkable contributions to the advancement of scientific knowledge in a given area of science. Together with Dr. Matěj Machek he was also awarded by the price SCIAP 2016 for new and inspirative outreach model of plate tectonics. Dr. Brož is also dedicated to public speaking and writing in the attempt to popularize geosciences in the context of exploration of the solar system. He is the author of a trio of popular educational books (Vesmírníček 1 and 2, Geostorky), which have sold over 33,500 copies.

Mgr. Petr Brož, Ph.D.
Surface Processes & Palaeoclimate
+420 267 103 063
office 214ORCID
Selected peer-reviewed publications
- Brož, P., Patočka, V., Butcher, F., Sylvest, M., Patel, M., The complexity of water freezing under reduced atmospheric pressure, submitted to Geology (1/2025)
- Krýza, O., Brož, P., Fox-Powell, M., Pěnkavová, V., Conway, S., Mazzini, A., Hauber, E., Sylvest, M., Patel, M., How salts affect mud mobility at low pressures: implications for Mars and other extraterrestrial bodies, under review in Nature Communications (preprint)
- Brož, P., Poppe, S., Sofge, K., Stárek, M., Gomes, R., Boháček, P. et al., LUnar Geology Orbiter concept to study lunar Irregular Mare patches and lava tubes from orbit, under review in Acta Astronautica (6/2024).
- Heritai, H., and P. Brož (2025), Clusters of Irregular Patches on the Moon: A New GIS-Based Catalog, Icarus 116439.
- Pieterek, B., Brož, P., Hauber, E., (2024), Recent faulting at the Claritas Rupes scarp on Mars, Icarus (10.1016/j.icarus.2024.116198).
- Brož, P., Krýza, O., Patočka, V., Pěnkavová, V., Conway, S. J., Mazzini, A., Hauber, E., Sylvest, M. E., Patel, M., (2023), Volumetric changes of mud on Mars: evidence from laboratory simulations, JGR-Planets 128, e2023JE007950, 10.1029/2023JE007950 (pre-print; final PDF).
- Pieterek, B., Brož, P., Hauber, E., Stephan, K., (2023), Insight from the Noachian-aged fractured crust to the volcanic evolution of Mars: a case study from the Thaumasia graben and Claritas Fossaem, Icarus, 407, 115770, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2023.115770.
- Brož. P., D. Oehler, A. Mazzini, E. Hauber, G. Komatsu, G. Etiope and V. Cuřín, (v recenzi, ESurf, 12/22), An overview of sedimentary volcanism on Mars, vol. 11, issue 4, 633-661 (open access).
- Cuřín, V., P. Brož, E. Hauber, Y. Markonis, (2022), Mud flows in the Southwestern Utopia Planitia, Mars, Icarus, doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2022.115266.
- Brož, P., E. Hauber, S.J. Conway, E. Luzzi, A. Mazzini, A. Noblet, J. Jaroš, P. Fawdon (2022), New evidence for sedimentary volcanism on Chryse Planitia, Mars, Icarus, 382, doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2022.115038.
- Brož, P., H. Bernhardt, S. J. Conway, R. Parekh, (2021). An overview of explosive volcanism on Mars. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2020.107125.
- Brož, P., O. Krýza, S. J. Conway, N. T. Mueller, E. Hauber, A. Mazzini, J. Raack, M. R. Patel, M. R. Balme, M. E. Sylvest (2020). Mud Flow Levitation on Mars: Insights from Laboratory Simulations. EPSL 545, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116406.
- Brož, P., O. Krýza, L. Wilson, S. J. Conway, E. Hauber, A. Mazzini, J. Raack, M. R. Patel, M. R. Balme, M. E. Sylvest (2020). Experimental evidence for lava-like mud flows under Martian surface conditions. Nature Geoscience, doi: 10.1038/s41561-020-0577-2.
- Brož, P., E. Hauber, I. van de Burgt, V. Špillar, G. Michael (2019). Subsurface Sediment Mobilization in the Southern Chryse Planitia on Mars, accepted to Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets 124, 703-720, doi:10.1029/2018JE005868.
- Brož, P., O. Čadek, J. Wright, D. A. Rothery (2018). The Apparent Absence of Kilometer-sized Pyroclastic Volcanoes on Mercury: Are We Looking Right? Geophysical Research Letters, doi.org/10.1029/2018GL079902.
- Brož, P., E. Hauber, J. J. Wray, G. Michael (2017). Amazonian volcanism inside Valles Marineris on Mars, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 473, 122–130, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2017.06.003.
- Brož, P., O. Čadek, E. Hauber, A. P. Rossi (2015). Scoria cones on Mars: Detailed investigation of morphometry based on high-resolution digital elevation models, Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets, 120, doi: 10.1002/2015JE004873.
- Brož , E. Hauber, T. Platz, M. Balme (2015). Evidence for Amazonian highly viscous lavas in the southern highlands on Mars, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 415, 1 doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2015.01.033.
- Brož P., O. Čadek, E. Hauber, A. P. Rossi (2014). Shape of scoria cones on Mars: insight from numerical modeling of ballistic pathways, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 406, 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.09.002.
- Brož P. and E. Hauber, (2013), Hydrovolcanic tuff rings and cones as indicators for phreatomagmatic explosive eruptions on Mars, Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets 118, 1656–1675. doi: 10.1002/jgre.20120.
- Brož P. and E. Hauber (2012), A unique volcanic field in Tharsis, Mars: Pyroclastic cones as evidence for explosive eruptions, Icarus 218, 88-99 doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2011.11.030.
- Hauber, E., Brož P., F. Jagert, P. Jodłowski, and T. Platz (2011). Very recent and wide-spread basaltic volcanism on Mars, Geophys. Res. Lett. 28, doi: 10.1029/2011GL047310.
Entries in books
- Brož, P. and Gede, M., Distribution Pattern Analysis in Planetary Mapping in Planetary Cartography and GIS by H. Hargitai, 2019. ISBN 978-3-319-62848-6.
- Hauber, E., D. Mége, T. Platz, T., and P. Brož, Endogenic Processes in Planetary Geology by A. P. Rossi and S. van Gasselt, 2018. ISBN 978-3-319-65179-8.
- Brož, P., Pyroclastic cone, in H. Hargitai and A. Kereszturi, 2015. Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms, ISBN 978-1-4614-3133-6.
- Fodor, E. and P. Brož, Cinder cone, in H. Hargitai and A. Kereszturi, 2015. Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms, ISBN 978-1-4614-3133-6.
- Brož, P. and K. Neméth, Tuff ring, in H. Hargitai and A. Kereszturi, 2015. Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms, ISBN 978-1-4614-3133-6.
- Brand B. D. and P. Brož, Tuff cone, in H. Hargitai and A. Kereszturi, 2015. Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms, ISBN 978-1-4614-3133-6.
- Brand B. D, H. Hargitai and P. Brož, Hydrovolcanic Feature, in H. Hargitai and A. Kereszturi, 2015. Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms, ISBN 978-1-4614-3133-6.
Research projects
- PRODEX “Development of VenSpec-H Electronics” (for phases B2, C and D, 2025-2029, Co-I)
- Effusive CryOvolcanism: the battle of PHases in a watER table freezing under reduced atmospheric pressure (COPHER; GAČR #25-15473S, PI, 2025-2027)
- PRODEX “Czech participation in the EnVision mission – derisking of VenSpec-H development” (for phase B1; 2024, Co-I)
- The strange behaviour of highly viscous mud in the low pressure environment: why the mixture changes its volume? (Europlanet Society, 2021, PI)
- Synthetic and Comparative Hydrology of Earth, MArs and TitAn (SCHEMATA) (junior grant) (GAČR, 2020-2022, Co-I)
- Behaviour And Propagation Of Mud On The Surface Of Mars (Europlanet Society, 2021, PI)
- Grant 580313 of the Charles University Science Foundation (GAUK): Pyroklastické kužele na Marsu: analogové experimenty a porovnání s pozemskými příklady (PI)