Matěj Machek (*1979) is researcher at the Institute of Geophysics CAS.
Research interests
- Structural geology and microstructures of regionally metamorphosed complexes and granitic plutons.
- Relation of microstructure to physical properties of rocks.

Mgr. Matěj Machek Ph.D.
Dynamics of orogens and rock deformation
+420 267 103 074
University studies and professional experience
- 1997-2003 Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. Name of the M.Sc. thesis: Structural and microstructural characteristics of southern part of the vepor crystalline unit, Western Carpathians.
- 2001-2002 Socrates/Erasmus scholarship at The Department of Earth science and Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London (UK)
- 2003-2011 Ph.D. study at the Institute of Petrology and Structural Geology, Charles University, Czech Republic. Theme: Relation of pore space geometry, permeability and microstructure in low-porosity rock.
- 2003 till present Research fellow in the Institute of Geophysics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Prague.
- 2005 4 month French government scholarship „Permeability and orientation of microporosity in granites” at Laboratoire de Tectonophysique, Université de Montpellier II, Montpellier (France)
- Staněk, M., Machek, M., Kusbach, V., Píšová, B. (2024). Dataset of P-wave velocity anisotropy measured on spherical samples of various rock types with an example of data analysis of retrogression related changes in eclogite and peridotite. Journal of Geodynamics, 102032,
- 2023). Strain localization: Analog modeling and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 24, e2022GC010630. doi: 10.1029/2022GC010630 , , , & (
- Machek M., Soejono I., Sláma J., Žáčková E. (2022). Timing and kinematics of the Variscan orogenic cycle at the Moldanubian periphery of the central Bohemian Massif. Journal of the Geological Society, 179, jgs2021-096. DOI:
- Procháska F., Machek M., Václavík J., Karabyn V. (2021). Minimization of CaF2 spherical surface deformation caused by annealing. Optical Engineering, 60(11), 115101. DOI:
101 - Soejono I., Machek M., Sláma J., Janoušek V., Kohút M. (2020). Cambro-Ordovician anatexis and magmatic recycling at the thinned Gondwana margin: new constraints from the Kouřim Unit, Bohemian Massif. Journal of the Geological Society, 177, 325-341 DOI:
9-037 - Kusbach, V.K., Machek, M., Roxerová, Z. et al. (2019). Localization effect on AMS fabric revealed by microstructural evidence across small-scale shear zone in marble. Sci Rep 9, 17483, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-53794-y
- Machek, M., Závada, P., Roxerová, Z., Petrovský, E., Špičák, A., & Kusbach, V. (2019). Crystal mush flow in small concentrically expanded pluton (Castle Crags pluton; Klamath Mountains, CA, USA). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20, 1954– 1974. DOI: 10.1029/2018GC008018
- Machek, M., Kalvoda, L., Hladil, J., Roxerová, Z., Vratislav, S., Drahokoupil, J., Ryukhtin, V., (2018). Petrophysical record of evolution of weakly deformed low-porosity limestone revealed by small-angle neutron scattering, neutron diffraction and AMS study. Geophysical Journal International 215, 895-908. doi:10.1093/gji/ggy309
- Soejono I., Janoušek V., Žáčková E., Sláma J., Konopásek J., Machek M., Hanžl P., (2016). Long-lasting Cadomian magmatic activity along an active northern Gondwana margin: U–Pb zircon and Sr–Nd isotopic evidence from the Brunovistulian Domain, eastern Bohemian Massif. International Journal of Earth Sciences, doi: 10.1007/s00531-016-1416-y.
- Marques F.O., Machek M., Roxerová Z., Burg J.P., Almqvist B.S.G., (2015). Mechanics, microstructure and AMS evolution of a synthetic porphyritic calcite aggregate deformed in torsion. Tectonophysics, 655, 41–57. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2015.05.010.
- Machek, M., Roxerová, Z., Závada, P., Silva, P.F., Henry, B., Dědeček, P., Petrovský, E., Marques, F.O., (2014). Intrusion of lamprophyre dyke and related deformation effects in the host rock salt: a case study from the Loulé diapir, Portugal. Tectonophysics, 629, 165 – 178. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2014.04.030, PDF for free download.
- Silva, P. F., Marques, F. O., Machek, M., Henry B., Hirt, A.M., Roxerová, Z., Madureira, P., Vratislav, S., (2014). Evidence for non-coaxiality of ferrimagnetic and paramagnetic fabrics, developed during magma flow and cooling in a thick mafic dyke. Tectonophysics, 629, 155 – 164. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2014.04.017.
- Verner K., Žák J., Šrámek J., Paclíková J., Zavřelová A., Machek M., Finger F., Johnson K., (2014). Formation of elongated granite–migmatite domes as isostatic accommodation structures in collisional orogens. Journal of Geodynamics, 73, 100 – 117. doi: 10.1016/j.jog.2013.10.002.
- Kučeráková M. , Vratislav S., Kalvoda L., Machek M., (2013). Neutron diffraction study of the crystallographic preferential orientation of metagabro mylonite. Powder Diffraction, 28, S2, S276 – S283. doi: 10.1017/S0885715613000985.
- Machek M., Roxerová Z., Janoušek V., Staněk M., Petrovský E., René M., (2013). Petrophysical and geochemical constraints on alteration processes in granites. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 57, 710 – 740. doi: 10.1007/s11200-013-0923-6. PDF for free download.
- Soejono I., Zackova E., Janousek V., Machek M., Kosler J., (2010). Vestige of an Early Cambrian incipient oceanic crust incorporated in the Variscan orogen: Letovice Complex, Bohemian Massif, Journal of the Geological Society, London, 167, 1113–1130. doi: 10.1144/0016-76492009-180.
- Kratinova Z., Machek M., Kusbach V., (2010). Fabric transpositions in granite plutons – an insight from non-scaled analogue modelling, Journal of the Geological Society of India,75, 267-277, doi: 10.1007/s12594-010-0014-z, PDF for free download.
- Machek M., Ulrich S., Janoušek V., (2009). Strain coupling between upper mantle and lower crust: natural example from the Běstvina granulite body, Bohemian Massif, Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 27, 721-737. doi: 10.1111/j.1525-1314.2009.00830.x, PDF for free download.
- Faryad S. W., Dolejš D., Machek M., (2009). Garnet exsolution in pyroxene from clinopyroxenites in the Moldanubian zone: constraining the early pre-convergence history of ultramafic rocks in the Variscan orogen, Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 27, 655-671. doi: 10.1111/j.1525-1314.2009.00834.x.
- Machek M., Špaček P., Ulrich S., Heidelbach F., (2007). Origin and orientation of microporosity in eclogites of different microstructure studied by ultrasound and microfabric analysis, Engineering Geology, 89, 266-277. PDF for free download.