Dr. Martin Staněk (1983) has been a research fellow at the Institute of Geophysics CAS since 2013. He investigates the structure and evolution of salt extrusions and of volcanic plumbing systems.
In the frame of the CSF 24-11150S project “Structure and dynamics of shallow salt sheet extrusion investigated by means of magnetotellurics, gravity and analog & numerical modelling” he studies the impact of the salt rise rate on the passive diapiric growth and subsequent inversion. The project aims to image and model subsurface salt extrusion structures by means of magnetotellurics, gravity and analog & numerical experiments and to develop a concept of the governing mechanisms influencing kinematics and dynamics of salt extrusions.
In the frame of the CSF EXPRO 25-16408X project “Comprehensive geophysical analysis of the ongoing volcanic eruption at the Reykjanes peninsula” he works on an analogue modelling parametric study of transcrustal fracture network development and associated magma plumbing systems. The project aims to investigate the dynamics and architecture of the volcanic plumbing system feeding volcanic eruptions at Reykjanes Peninsula.
Former research project: AMS vs. shear zone (GJ16-25486Y)

Mgr. Martin Staněk Ph.D
Dynamics of orogens and rock deformation
+420 267 103 042
ResearcherID ORCID
- Staněk, M., Machek, M., Kusbach, V., Píšová, B. (2024). Dataset of P-wave velocity anisotropy measured on spherical samples of various rock types with an example of data analysis of retrogression related changes in eclogite and peridotite. Journal of Geodynamics, 102032, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jog.2024.102032
- Staněk, M., Géraud, Y., (2019): Granite microporosity changes due to fracturing and alteration: secondary mineral phases as proxies for porosity and permeability estimation, Solid Earth, 10, 251-274, https://doi.org/10.5194/se-10-
251-2019, download here. - Staněk, M., Géraud, Y., Lexa, O, Špaček, P., Ulrich, S. and Diraison, M., (2013), Elastic anisotropy and pore space geometry of schlieren granite: direct 3-D measurements at high confining pressure combined with microfabric analysis, Geophys. J. Int., DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggt053.
- Machek M., Roxerová Z., Janoušek V., Staněk M., Petrovský E., René M., (2013), Petrophysical and geochemical constraints on alteration processes in granites, Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, DOI: 10.1007/s11200-013-0923-6
Expert analyses of physical properties of rocks
- P-wave velocity
- multidirectional ultrasounding on spherical samples at high confining pressure 0.1 – 400 MPa (setup at the IG lab.)
- simple ultrasounding (Proceq Pundit Lab)
- permeability: gas permeametry (4 MPa confining pressure setup at GeoRessources, Nancy, France)
- porosity, throat and pore size distribution, density
- mercury porosimetry (Micromeritics AutoPore IV)
- magnetic resonance (Bruker Minispeq mq20)
- thermal conductivity: optical scanning (TCS setup)
- electrical resistivity: 4 electrodes (IRIS Syscal Kid)
- anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (Agico KLY-4)
- 2020 – post-doc. 3 months, GeoRessources, Nancy, France. In the frame of project “Strengthening of international collaboration at the Institute of Geophysics AS CR”
- 2016 – post-doc. 4 months, GeoRessources, Nancy, France. Topic: Magnetic resonance pore size distribution measurements on sandstones with various content of iron oxides
- 2015 – post-doc. 3 months, GeoRessources, Nancy, France. Topic: Magnetic resonance pore size distribution measurements on fractured and altered granite
- 2013 – Ph.D. at Univ. in Strasbourg & Charles Univ. in Prague. Thesis: Structural and Petrophysical Characterization of Granite Intended for Radioactive Waste Storage (download .pdf)
- 2008 – M.Sc. at Charles Univ. in Prague, Thesis: Typology and Genesis of Breccias and Mylonites in the Vicinity of the Lers Peridotite Massif in the North Pyrenean Zone
- 2007 – 1st year of M.Sc. at Univ. Montpellier II, Thesis: Contact of Peridotite Body and Country Rock at Etang de Lers, Eastern Pyrenees
- 2006 – B.Sc. at Charles Univ. in Prague