RNDr. Jan Zedník (1953) graduated at the Faculty of Science of the Charles University in Prague. He has been working since 1979 in the Department of Seismology on data analysis, archiving and international data exchange. He defended the RNDr title in 1983. Jan is the Head of the seismological service. Since the 90’s he’s the member of the ExeCom of the European Data Center ORFEUS and the representative of the Institute of Geophysics at the European-Mediterranean Data Center (EMSC).

RNDr. Jan Zedník
Earth Observatories
+420 267 103 015
Office 005ORCID
Selected publications
- Zedník, J., Pazdírková, J., 2014. Seismic Activity in the Czech Republic in 2012. Studia geophys. et geod., 58, 342-348.
- Zedník, J., Boušková, Pazdírková, J., 2013. Seismic Activity in the Czech Republic in 2011. Studia geophys. et geod., 57, 535-542.
- Zedník, J., Pazdírková, J., 2013. Seismic Activity in the Czech Republic in 2010. Studia geophys. et geod., 57, 332-337.
- Chum, J., Hruška, F., Zedník, J., Laštovička, J., 2012. Ionospheric disturbances (infrasound waves) over the Czech Republic excited by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, 10.1029/2012JA017767.
- Laštovička, J., Baše, J., Hruška, F., Chum, J., Šindelářová, T., Horálek, J., Zedník, J., Krasnov, V., 2010. Simultaneous infrasonic, seismic, magnetic and ionospheric observations in an earthqauke epicentre. Journal od atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics, 72, 1231-1240. Zedník, J., Pazdírková, J., 2012. Seismic Activity in the Czech Republic in 2009. Studia geophys. et geod., 56, 299-305.
- Zedník, J., Pazdírková, J., 2010. Seismic Activity in the Czech Republic in 2008. Studia geophys. et geod., 54, 333-338.
- Zedník, J., Pazdírková, J., 2009. Seismic Activity in the Czech Republic in 2007. Studia geophys. et geod., 53, 269-274.
- Dost, B., Zednik, J., Havskov, J., New Manual of Seismological Observatory Practice (NMSOP). Chapter 10: Seismic Data Formats, Archival and Exchange.
- Geissler W.H., Kämpf H., Kind R., Bräuer K., Klinge K., Plenefisch T., Horálek J., Zedník J. and Nehybka V., 2005. Seismic structure and location of a CO2 source in the upper mantle of the western Eger (Ohře) Rift, central Europe. Tectonics, 24, TC5001, doi:10.1029/2004TC001672, 23 pp.
- Geissler W.H., Kämpf H., Kind R., Bräuer K., Klinge K., Plenefisch T., Horálek J., Zedník J. and Nehybka V., 2005. Seismic structure and location of a CO2 source in the upper mantle of the western Eger (Ohře) Rift, central Europe. Tectonics, 24, TC5001, doi:10.1029/2004TC001672, 23 pp.
- Choy G., Zedník J., 1997. The rupture process of the Manjil, Iran earthquake of 20 June 1990 and implications for intraplate strike-slip earthquakes. Studia geoph.et geod., 41, 45-63