Dr. Jan Šílený (1952) is a senior scientist at the Department of Seismology, where he has been dealing with seismic source modeling, with the emphasis to inverse task for the retrieval of the mechanism including a reliable estimate of its confidence. He has suggested algorithms for determination of the mechanism in observational setups which do not allow to obtain the complete solution, e.g., in monitoring of seismicity by sensors placed in a borehole. Treating these tasks is beneficial for monitoring of the rock-mass state in industrial applications like mining, oil and gas extraction, geothermal energy exploitation, radioactive waste disposal etc.

Dr. Jan Šílený
Senior scientist
(Department of Seismology)
+420 267 103 016
J Šílený is an author or co-author of 70 scientific papers with 1100+ citations in scientific journals and monographs, H-index 22, RG Score 31.8.
- since 2002 Head of the Department of Seismology
- 2007 Stefan Hepites Award by Romanian Academy of Sciences
- 2004-2008 Senior Associate Member of the ICTP (International Center for Theoretical Physics), Trieste
- 2001-2003 member of the Academic Assembly of the Czech Academy of Sciences
- 1997 CNR-NATO Guest Fellow at the University of Trieste
- 1996-2000 Titular Member of the European Seismological Commission for the Czech Republic
- 1994-1999 Regular Associate Member of the ICTP, Trieste
- 1993-2001 Head of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Geophysics
- 1993 EC Go-West Fellow at the ICTP, Trieste
- 1992 Deputy Director of the Institute of Geophysics
- 1988 Prize of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (with V.Rudajev, J.Buben, M.Brož and P.Fučík)
- 1984 CSc degree (candidatus scientiarum, equivalent to PhD), Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, thesis: Seismic manifestation of a simple tectonic fault
- 1979 RNDr degree (rerum naturalium doctoris), Charles University, Prague, topic: Seismic rays in anisotropic media
- 1977 MSc, Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Prague, topic: Seismic rays in anisotropic media