RNDr. Ivan Pšenčík, CSc (1946) has been a researcher at the Institute of Geophysics, former Geophysical Institute since 1970. His subject is the study of seismic wave propagation in complex, layered, elastic or absorbing, isotropic and anisotropic, inhomogeneous media. For the study of forward and partially also inverse problems he uses high-frequency asymptotic methods, such as the ray method or the method ofsummation of Gaussian beams.
He graduated from Charles University, Prague, in physics (1963-1968). He obtained the degree CSc (an equivalent to PhD) from Czechosl. Acad. Sci., Prague, in geophysics in 1974. He stayed at various seismological institutions abroad, for example, in Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, Sweden, USA, USSR.
RNDr. Ivan Pšenčík, CSc.
vědecký pracovník
Seismic wave & source studies
+420 267 103 383
číslo dvěří 223orcid.org/0000-0002-8246-0857
Selected publications
- Červený, V, Popov, M.M., and Pšenčík, I., 1982. Computation of wave fields in inhomogeneous media – Gaussian beam approach. Geophys.J.R.astr.Soc., 70, 109–128.
- Gajewski, D., and Pšenčík,I., 1987. Computation of high-frequency seismic wavefileds in 3-D laterally inhomogeneous anisotropic media. Geophys.J.R.astr.Soc., 91, 383–411.
- Jech, J., and Pšenčík, I., 1989. First-order perturbation method for anisotropic media. Geophys.J.Int., 99, 369–376.
- Gajewski, D., and Pšenčík, I., 1990. Vertical seismic profile synthetics by dynamic ray tracing in laterally varying layered anisotropic structures. J.geophys.Res., 95, 11301–11315.
- Gajewski, D., and Pšenčík, I.,1992. Vector wave fields for weakly attenuating anisotropic media by the ray method. Geophysics, 57, 27–38.
- Pšenčík, I., and Teles, T.N., 1996. Point source radiation in inhomogeneous anisotropic
structures. PAGEOPH, 148, 591–623. - Pšenčík, I., and Gajewski, D., 1998. Polarization, phase velocity and NMO velocity of qP waves in arbitrary weakly anisotropic media. Geophysics, 63, 1754–1766.
- Vavryčuk, V., and Pšenčík, I., 1998. PP wave reflection coefficients in weakly anisotropic media. Geophysics, 63, 2129–2141.
- Pšenčík, I., and Dellinger. J., 2001. Quasi-shear waves in inhomogeneous weakly anisotropic media by the quasi-isotropic approach: a model study. Geophysics, 66, 308–319.
- Zheng, X., and Pšenčík, I., 2002. Local determination of weak anisotropy parameters from qP-wave slowness and particle motion measurements. PAGEOPH, 159, 1881–1905.
- Farra, V., and Pšenčík, I., 2003. Properties of the zero-, first- and higher-order approximations of attributes of elastic waves in weakly anisotropic media. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 114, 1366–1378.
- Červený, V., Pšenčík, I., 2005. Plane waves in viscoelastic anisotropic media. Part 1: Theory. Geophys.J.Int., 161, 197–212.
- Pšenčík, I., and Farra, V., 2005. First-order ray tracing for qP waves in inhomogeneous weakly anisotropic media. Geophysics, 70, D65–D75.
- Iversen, E., and Pšenčík, I., 2008. Ray tracing and inhomogeneous dynamic ray tracing for anisotropy specified in curvilinear coordinates, Geophys.J.Int., 174, 316–330.
- Farra, V., and Pšenčík, I., 2010. Coupled S waves in inhomogeneous weakly anisotropic media using first-order ray tracing. Geophys.J.Int., 180, 405–417.
- Červený, V., and Pšenčík, I., 2010. Gaussian beams in inhomogeneous anisotropic layered structures. Geophys.J.Int., 180, 798–812.
- Pšenčík, I., Farra, V. and Tessmer, E., 2012. Comparison of the FORT approximation of the coupling ray theory with the Fourier pseudospectral method. Stud. geophys. geod., 56, 35–64.
- Waheed bin, U., Pšenčík, I., Červený, V., Iversen, E., & Alkhalifah, T., 2013. Two-point paraxial traveltime formula for inhomogeneous isotropic and anisotropic media: tests of accuracy. Geophysics, 78, C41–C56.
- Farra, V., Pšenčík, I. and Jílek, P., 2016. Weak-anisotropy moveout approximations for P-waves in homogeneous layers of monoclinic or higher anisotropy symmetries. Geophysics, 81, C39—C59.
- Pšenčík,I. & Farra,V., 2017. Reflection moveout approximations for P-waves in a moderately anisotropic homogeneous tilted transverse isotropy layer. Geophysics, 82, C175-–C185.
- Farra, V. and Pšenčík, I., 2017. Weak-anisotropy moveout approximations for P waves in homogeneous TOR layers. Geophysics, 82, WA23–-WA32.
- Červený, V., Molotkov, I.A., and Pšenčík, I., 1977. Ray Method in Seismology, Charles University Press, Praha.
Chapters in books
- Červený, V., Klimeš, L., and Pšenčík, I., 1988. Complete seismic ray tracing in three-dimensional structures , in: Seismological Algorithms, D.J.Doornbos edit., Academic Press, New York, 89–168.
- Červený, V., Klimeš, L., and Pšenčík, I., 2007. Recent development in seismic ray method, in: Advances in Geophysics, Vol.48, “Advances in wave propagation in heterogeneous Earth”, eds. Wu,R.-S.,Maupin,V., series editor Dmowska,R., Academic Press, pp. 1–126.
- Červený, V. and Pšenčík, I., 2011. Seismic ray theory. Encyklopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics, Springer Verlag, 2011, Part 16, Seismic Ray Theory, 1244–1258.