Dr. Ignacio Castro-Melgar (*1991) works as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Geophysics of the Czech Academy of Sciences since October 2023. This post-doc position is funded by MILESTONE ERC Starting Grant. His research focuses on the structure of volcanoes and subduction zones using seismic attenuation tomography. He collaborates with the HUA Earth Observation team in the Harokopio University of Athens, Greece, in monitoring active volcanoes using InSAR techniques. Currently, his main research is centered on studying the structure of the Chilean Subduction zone through seismic attenuation properties.
Ignacio obtained his Ph.D. degree in Earth Sciences in 2022 at University of Granada, Spain, where he studied the structure of active volcanoes in the Mediterranean using seismic tomography. During his doctoral studies, he completed internships at the University of Catania in Italy, University of Liverpool in the UK, and Harokopio University of Athens in Greece. After obtaining his Ph.D. degree and until his current position at the CAS, Ignacio worked for more than a year at the School of Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol, UK. This post-doc was funded by a NSF-NERC grant to study the dynamics and subsurface architecture of Bolivia’s volcano Cerro Uturuncu with geodetic techniques.

Ignacio Castro Melgar, Ph. D.
Postdoctoral researcher
Active Plate Tectonic Processes
office 133