Dr. Hana Grison, nee Fialová, (1974) works as researcher at the Institute of Geophysics CAS since 2001. She partly completed her doctoral studies (2001-2005) in France, in the laboratories of LGIT (CNRS/UJF) in Grenoble and in the laboratories of CEREGE (University of Aix-Marseille III). She obtained her Ph.D. degree at the Department of Applied Ecology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague, defending Thesis entitled “Magnetic Discrimination between Lithogenic and Athropogenic Minerals in Soils”.
She focuses on interdisciplinary research bringing together geophysicists, archaeologists, and soil scientists, including geochemists with the overall goal of maximising interpretation of proxy data for archaeological purposes. She also specializes in strongly magnetic soils, including their geochemical properties. The goal of this research is to contribute to a better understanding of soil-forming processes and to use this knowledge, for example, to detect pollution by atmospheric fallout from industrial combustion. She is developing a method of archaeomagnetic dating in the Czech Republic. In scope of the program of the Academy of Sciences Strategy AV21, she deals with the magnetic recording of lightning in rocks.
For a list of papers, click the ORCID link.
Areas of interest
Environmental magnetism: magnetometry of soils (magnetic mapping); magnetic and geochemical properties of soils; experimental methods of rock magnetism; magnetic properties of minerals (both natural and synthetic samples); atmospheric dust. Geoarchaeology: geophysical prospection, leaching and extraction methods; pedochemical analyses; X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy; scanning electron microscopy, etc.
Current projects
- Mobility Plus (MPP) between CAS and FNRS (Belgium) (2023–2025)
Geophysical survey as a tool for assessing magnetomineralogical changes in soils at archaeological sites endangered by erosion – main researcher - Czech Science Foundation (CAS)-National Science Centre Poland (2024-2026)
The origin of iron minerals in soils with high permeability and determination of soil diagnostic horizons using magnetic proxies – team member
Research projects
- 2018-2023: Management Committee Member of COST Action SAGA (The Soil Science & Archaeo-Geophysics Alliance) from https://www.saga-cost.eu/
- 2019-2022: main researcher of Inter COST Project “Application of Geophysical Approach in Archaeological Research and Prospection“ supported by the program INTER-EXCELLENCE of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (MEYS), grant No. LTC19029
- 2013-2016: main researcher of Standard Project of the Czech Science Foundation (GACR), title: Quantifying the effect of volcanic parent rock on the magnetic properties of soils
- 2012-2015: team member of a Project of the Ministry of Agriculture, title: Soil water regime within a sloping agricultural area
- 2010-2013: team member of a Standard Project of GACR, title: Magnetic speciation of atmospheric PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 collected at sites with different air quality
- 2007-2010: team member of a Standard Project of the Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences, title: Long-term monitoring and analysis of dynamics of atmospherically deposited magnetic particles in soils
- 2006-2008: main researcher of a Junior Project of GACR, title: Determination and characterization of ultra-fine superparamagnetic particles in soils
- 2001-2003: involved in the activities of a 5thFP EU R&D Project MAGPROX: Screening and monitoring of anthropogenic pollution over central Europe by using MAGnetic PROXies

Dr. Hana Grison
Environmental and Applied Geophysics
+420 267 103 332
office 120ORCID