Curriculum vitæ
Academic history
- 2012: PhD degree, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
- 2012 – 2015: Postdoctoral fellow – IES, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
- 2012 – 2015: Postdoctoral fellow – IES, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
- 2015 – 2016: Postdoctoral fellow – MOST, Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
- 2016 – 2018: Postdoctoral fellow – AS, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
- 2018 – 2020: Postdoctoral fellow – MOST, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
- 2020 – 2021: MOST Research Scholar – MOST, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
- 2021 – now : Researcher, Institute of Geophysics of the Czech Academy of Science, Czech Republic
Research interests
Seismic anisotropy, structure and development of the lithosphere (crust, mantle lithosphere), relief of lithosphere-astenosphere boundary.
Grants and awards
- Best “young scientist” paper award (MOST), 2015
- Prof. Tsanyao Frank Yang young scientists award (IGRS 2016)
- Academia Sinica Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (Academia Sinica), 2016 – 2018
- MOST Independent Research Scholar, 2020 – 2021

Dr. rer. nat. Cédric P. Legendre
Structure of Continental Lithosphere
+420 267 103 335
Office 104 ORCID
Peer-reviewed publications
- Utpal Kumar, Cédric. P. Legendre, 2022: Crust-mantle decoupling beneath Afar revealed by Rayleigh-wave tomography. Scientific Reports, 12, 17036.
doi:10.1038/s41598-022-20890-5 - Sebastian Wege, Cédric. P. Legendre, Wu-Cheng Chi, Tan Kin Wang, Pascal Kunath, Char‐Shine Liu, 2022: Field and Synthetic Waveform Tests on Using Large‐offset Seismic Streamer Data to Derive Shallow Seabed Shear‐Wave Velocity and Geotechnical Properties. Earth and Space Science, e2021EA002196.
doi:10.1029/2021EA002196 - Utpal Kumar, Cédric. P. Legendre, Jian-Cheng Lee, Li Zhao, Benjamin Fong Chao, 2022: On Analyzing GNSS Displacement Field Variability of Taiwan: Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering based on Dynamic Time Warping Technique. Computers & Geosciences, 105243.
doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2022.105243 - Utpal Kumar, Cédric. P. Legendre, Li Zhao, Ben F. Chao, 2022. Dynamic Time Warping as an Alternative to Windowed Cross Correlation in Seismological Applications. Seismological Research Letters 2022 - U Kumar, CP Legendre & BS Huang , 2021. Crustal structure and upper mantle anisotropy of the Afar triple junction. Earth, Planets and Space volume 73, 166 - CP Legendre, L Zhao, TL Tseng, 2021. Large-scale variation in seismic anisotropy in the crust and upper mantle beneath Anatolia, Turkey. Communications Earth & Environment 2 (1), 1-72021 - U Kumar & CP Legendre, 2021. STADIUM-Py: Python Command-line Interface for automated Receiver Functions and Shear-Wave Splitting Measurements (1.0). Zenodo. - CP Legendre, TL Tseng, L Zhao, 2020. Surface-wave phase-velocity maps of the Anatolia region (Turkey) from ambient noise tomography. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 193, 104322 - X Fan, QF Chen, CP Legendre, Z Guo, 2020. Intraplate volcanism and regional geodynamics in NE Asia revealed by anisotropic Rayleigh‐wave tomography. Geophysical Research Letters 47 (1), e2019GL085623 - CP Legendre, B Deffontaines, H Bor-Shouh, HY Lee, ETY Chang, 2020. Anisotropic Rayleigh-wave phase velocity maps of the Sunda Plate. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 187, 104094 - H Mittal, YM Wu, TL Lin, CP Legendre, S Gupta, BM Yang, 2019. Time-dependent shake map for Uttarakhand Himalayas, India, using recorded earthquakes. Acta Geophysica 67 (3), 753-763 - CP Legendre, TL Tseng, YN Chen, TY Huang, YC Gung, A Karakhanyan, BS Huang, 2017. Complex deformation in the Caucasus region revealed by ambient noise seismic tomography. Tectonophysics 712, 208-220 - TIAN Yuan, CP Legendre, ZHOU Tong, HAN Jian-Gang, WU Meng-Yu, ZHAO Li, NING Jie-Yuan, 2017. High resolution anisotropic phase velocity tomography of Northeast China and its implication. Chinese Journal of Geophysics 60 (5), 1659-1675 - CP Legendre, TL Tseng, H Mittal, CH Hsu, A Karakhanyan, BS Huang, 2017. Complex wave propagation revealed by peak ground velocity maps in the Caucasus Area. Seismological Research Letters 88 (3), 812-821 - CP Legendre, L Zhao, F Deschamps, QF Chen, 2016. Layered anisotropy within the crust and lithospheric mantle beneath the Sea of Japan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 128, 181-195 - CP Legendre, L Zhao, WG Huang, BS Huang, 2015. Anisotropic Rayleigh-wave phase velocities beneath northern Vietnam. Earth, Planets and Space 67 (1), 1-16 - CP Legendre, F Deschamps, L Zhao, QF Chen, 2015. Rayleigh-wave dispersion reveals crust-mantle decoupling beneath eastern Tibet. Scientific reports 5 (1), 1-7 - CP Legendre, L Zhao, QF Chen, 2015. Upper-mantle shear-wave structure under East and Southeast Asia from Automated Multimode Inversion of waveforms. Geophysical Journal International 203 (1), 707-719. - CP Legendre, QF Chen, L Zhao, 2014. Lithospheric structure beneath the East China Sea revealed by Rayleigh-wave phase velocities. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 96, 213-225 - CP Legendre, F Deschamps, L Zhao, S Lebedev, QF Chen, 2014. Anisotropic Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps of eastern China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 119 (6), 4802-4820 - B Knapmeyer-Endrun, F Krüger, CP Legendre, WH Geissler, PASSEQ Working Group, 2013. Tracing the influence of the Trans-European Suture Zone into the mantle transition zone. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 363, 73-87 - CP Legendre, T Meier, S Lebedev, W Friederich, L Viereck-Götte, 2012. A shear wave velocity model of the European upper mantle from automated inversion of seismic shear and surface waveforms. Geophysical Journal International 191 (1), 282-304 - CP Legendre, 2012. Shear wave velocity model of the upper mantle beneath Europe and surroundings. PhD thesis.