Learn something new about the Earth on Friday (April 22nd).

The interior of the Earth and the processes that participate in its formation are the main interest of our scientists. We would like to share our passion for geophysics and invite you for the Earth Day at our campus. So, visitors can learn about earthquakes, magnetism, volcanic activity and other phenomena on illustrative models and from demonstration. You will definitely not be bored.

Earth Day is a worldwide event to demonstrate the support for environmental protection. This tradition began in the United States on April 22, 1970, when millions poured out to the streets to protest the negative environmental impact of industrial development. In addition to this form of activism, there was a number of educational programs too.

The Institute of Geophysics organizes this event together with our colleagues from the Astronomical Institute and the Institute of Atmospheric Physics.

You are cordially invited, the event is free. You can check our fb.

Where/When: academic campus at Spořilov / 9:00–14:00