Influence of caprock on the growth dynamics of salt diapirs in Iran
The Zagros fold and thrust belt (ZFTB) in southeastern Iran offers unique surface exposures of salt diapirs that can be directly studied in the field and by remote sensing methods. These structures reveal mobilized salt together with its overlying solid residuum (caprock) that reflect reactivation of several kilometers high, columnar salt diapirs by the compressional tectonic stresses. Major aim of the present bi-lateral proposal is the deeper understanding of the mechanical properties of caprock and influence of the caprock properties on the morphotectonics of the diapiric extrusions and overall kinematic evolution of salt diapirs. Present proposal addresses the internal structure and growth dynamics of salt diapirs in the ZFTB by integrating the field geological, geochronological, geodetical and gravimetric survey datasets. Scaled analogue modeling with strain quantification system will be employed for simulating the deformation dynamics of the caprock sequences above the salt diapir extrusions. The goal of the study is a deeper understanding of mechanical behaviour of caprock and the influence of caprock properties on the morphotectonics of the diapiric extrusions and overall kinematic evolution of salt diapirs.
Bilateral grant project with University in Munich, Germany (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Prof. Anke Friedrich)
Principal investigator: Prokop Závada, PhD.
Co-principal investigator: doc. dr. Jiří Bruthans
Team members:
Dr. Michael Warsitzka, researcher
Sadegh Adineh, researcher
Dr. Ondřej Krýza, researcher
Dr. Jan Mrlina, researcher
Dr. Michal Seidl, researcher
Jiří Semerád, technician
Project duration: 2020 – 2022