CAPABLE CArpathian PAnnonian Basin Lithosphere Enquiry


The main focus of the CAPABLE project is a detailed lithosphere study of the Carpathians-Pannonian Basin region, which is possible thanks to the dense network of newly installed temporary seismic stations in frame of the European AlpArray-PACASE complementary experiment. Only gross features of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary variations and the lithosphere structure are known up to now due to the insufficient data from only several seismic observatories in the region, which provide data for such studies. In spite of that, significant variations of the upper mantle structure were imaged (e.g. Pajdušák et al., 1989; Babuška and Plomerová, 1992; Dando et al., 2011), which calls for more detailed studies. The research needs to be carried out in cooperation of scientists from all four Visegrad countries, to retrieve the crustal and upper mantle structure down to about 600 km. The lithosphere in the Carpathians-Pannonian Basin is composed of several colliding microplates. Regional seismicity, with intensity up to VIII=IX, represents a danger for inhabitants in the region. The CAPABLE team, composed of the Visegrad institutions, will collect new data and process them jointly with different methods, interpret them along with nonseimological inferences, develop a 3D model of the upper mantle and the lithosphere structure. Moreover a foreseen seismo-tectonic model will allow more precise definition of seismically active areas and their active fault systems and thus help to understand the seismic evolution and the Neotectonic regime and recently active fault zones.

Visegrad Grant No. 21930053


Coordinator of the project:
RNDr. Jaroslava Plomerová, DrSc.
Institute of Geophysics, Czech Academy of Sciences