CzechGeo / EPOS is the system of geophysical observations performed by the Consortium of geoscience institutions in the Czech Republic. The backbone of CzechGeo is formed by permanent observatories and networks (seismic, GPS, magnetic, gravimetric and geodynamic) involved in global networks which provide data in real time. Permanent observatories are complemented by local stations in selected regions of interest. The third level of the observational system are mobile stations deployed for repeated measurements or field experiments within major international projects.
Project CzechGeo is closely related with the 7th FP project EPOS (European Plate Observing System) which was included in the European roadmap of research infrastruktures of ESFRI (European Strategic Forum for Research Infrastructures) in 2008.

Participating Czech geoscientific institutions:
Institute of Geophysics CAS, Prague
Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics CAS, Prague
Institute of Geonics CAS, Ostrava
Institute of Physics of the Earth Masaryk University, Brno
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague
Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague
Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, Zdiby
Czech Geological Survey Prague
Sections of research infrastructure CzechGeo:
GNSS and Gravimetry
Geodynamics of the crust
Geological and Geophysical Databases
Seismic Portal
GNSS Portal
Geology Map Server
Annual reports of the CzechGeo project:
Report 2017
Report 2016
Report 2015
Report 2014
Report 2013
Report 2012
Publications related to CzechGeo:
Publications in 2017
Publications in 2016
Publications in 2015
Publications in 2014
Publications in 2013
Publications in 2012
Publications in 2011