Dr. Juraj Kyselica (1987) has been working at the Institute of Geophysics CAS since 2014. In his research, he aims at understanding the dynamics of partially-solidified systems, called mushy regions, which form during solidification of multicomponent mixtures. Mushy regions behave as reactive porous media: complex convective phenomena take place there in response to chemical segregation due to solidification and melting. The study of mushy-region dynamics leads to understanding many processes in geophysics and geology, e.g. magma-chamber evolution, inner-core growth, sea-ice dynamics in polar regions or the evolution of the mantles of icy moons.
Juraj Kyselica graduated in 2010 from applied mathematics at the Faculty of mathematics, physics and informatics, Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia). He received his PhD. degree at the same faculty in 2014.

Juraj Kyselica, Ph.D.
Volcanic and Magmatic Processes
+420 267 103 045
office 119ORCID