Czech Regional Seismic Network (CRSN) monitors earthquakes (in West Bohemia, near Hronov and in northern Moravia and Silesia) and other seismic events (like rockbursts and explosions in mines) in the Czech Republic, in central Europe and globally. The regional network consists of more than twenty permanent broadband stations situated in the territory of the Czech Republic. Data centers are situated at the Institute of Geophysics CAS in Prague and the Institute of Physics of the Earth, Masaryk University  in Brno. CRSN is part of the large infrastructure project CzechGeo/EPOS.

Průhonice (PRU) – Institute of Geophysics CAS, Prague
Kašperské Hory (KHC) – Institute of Geophysics CAS, Prague
Nový Kostel (NKC) – Institute of Geophysics CAS, Prague
Hora Svaté Kateřiny (HSKC) – Institute of Geophysics CAS, Prague
Dobruška/Polom (DPC) – Institute of Geophysics CAS, Prague / Military Topography Institute Dobruška
Úpice (UPC) – Institute of Geophysics CAS, Prague / Astronomical observatory Úpice
Chvaleč (CHVC) – Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics, Prague
Ostaš (OSTC) – Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics, Prague
Ardšpach (ACDC) – Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics, Prague
Bedřichov (BEDC) – Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics, Prague
Panská Ves (PVCC) – Institute of Geophysics CAS, Prague / Institute of Physics of the Atmosphere CAS, Prague
Zvíkov (ZVC) – Institute of Geophysics CAS, Prague
Přimda (PRIC) – Institute of Geophysics CAS, Prague
Český Krumlov (CKRC) – Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics, Prague
Praha (PRA) – Charles University Prague
Geodetická observatoř Pecný (GOPC) – Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, Zdiby
Třešť (TREC) – Institute of Geophysics CAS, Prague
Králíky (KRLC) – Institute of Geophysics CAS, Prague
Ostrava-Krásne Pole (OKC) – Technical University Ostrava / Institute of Geonics CAS Ostrava / Institute of Geophysics CAS, Prague
Maruška (MAUC) – Institute of Geophysics CAS, Prague
Vranov (VRAC) – Institute of Physics of the Earth, Masaryk University, Brno
Moravský Beroun (MORC) – Institute of Physics of the Earth, Masaryk University, Brno / GEOFON Potsdam
Moravský Krumlov (KRUC) – Institute of Physics of the Earth, Masaryk University, Brno / ZAMG Vienna
Velká Javorina (JAVC) – Institute of Physics of the Earth, Masaryk University, Brno / ZAMG Vienna
Stálkov (STAC) – Institue of Physics of the Earth, Masaryk University, Brno

Stations of other networks in the Czech Republic used in the seismological service:

Anenský vrch (ANAC) – Institute of Physics of the Earth, Masaryk University, Brno (local network Monet)
Lipinka (LIPC) – Institute of Physics of the Earth, Masaryk University, Brno (local network Monet)
Lošov (LOSC) – Institute of Physics of the Earth, Masaryk University, Brno (local network Monet)
Mutkov (MUVC) – Institute of Physics of the Earth, Masaryk University, Brno (local network Monet)
Stěbořice (STEB) – Institute of Geonics CAS, Ostrava (local network MONET)
Kraslice (KRC) – Institute of Geophysics CAS, Prague (local network WEBNET)
Květná (KVC) – Institute of Geophysics CAS, Prague (local network WEBNET)
Lazy (LAC) – Institute of Geophysics CAS, Prague (local network WEBNET)
Studenec (STC) – Institute of Geophysics CAS, Prague (local network WEBNET)
Vackov (VAC) – Institute of Geophysics CAS, Prague (local network WEBNET)
Myslibořice (MYDU) – Nuclear power plant Dukovany
Vrchy (VRCH) – Nuclear power plant Temelín
Skalice (SKAC) – Geothermal project RINGEN
Richard (RICC) – SÚRAO