The local seismic network WEBNET was set up to monitor seismic swarms in western Bohemia/Vogtland. We observe seismic swarms several days up to few months long in the westernmost part of the Czech Republic and adjacent part of Germany. Many of the earthquakes are felt by locals usually with local magnitudes below ML < 4.5. The first seismic stations were built just after a strong seismic swarm in 1985/86. The Czech Academy of Sciences (namely the Institute of Geophysics and the Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics) operates the WEBNET network which consists of 23 stations. Most of the stations are streaming data in real time.

Construction of the station MAC

Data selection:

Period from: to: (YYYY-MM-DD)
Period of last 30 days is used if not set.

Minimum magnitude: (x.x)
Depth from: to: (in km)
PEPIN (automatic; preliminary locations)
ANTELOPE (automatic; preliminary locations)
WEBNET (since 1994, manually revised locations)
Neunhoefer (1962-1997)

Do not distinguish by color (all in red)
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Earthquake age Local magnitude
last day gray - 1
last 7 daysgray 0
older than 7 daysgray 2
gray 3
Epicenters: 24
Manual catalogs for download HERE
Note to catalogs: Automatic localizations are based on the ANTELOPE and PEPIN programs and error of these localizations can be up to several kilometers and error in magnitude up to 0,5. Automatic locations may also contain man-made quakes (typically quarry blasts in Vintirov or other). For more precise localizations switch to WEBNET catalog - manual, checked localizations with error in position up to 200m and the magnitude is verified. In the case of high rate of seismic activity the WEBNET catalog does not have to be in actual state.
Use and distribution of data: Data serve exclusively for the purpose of this website. For citation please use DOI doi:10.7914/SN/WB.