Seismological station Nový Kostel (NKC) is operated in earthqauke swarm region in West Bohemia. Since 1998 the station is equipped with broadband sensor STS-2. The recording is complemented since 2003 by strong-motion accelerograph EpisSensor. Data are transferred in real time to the Institute of Geophysics. Station NKC is part of the local seismic network WEBNET.

Coordinates: 50.2331N 12.4479E
Altitude: 564 m
Seismometers: broaband sensor Streckeisen STS-2, short-period SM-3, accelerograph Kinemetrics EpiSensor
Recording system: Q330S
Sampling frequency: 100 Hz
Dynamic range: 140 dB
Frequency range: 0.02-120 s
Data format: miniSEED
Metadata: dataless SEED, stationxml
Available data: březen 1998 – dosud
Operator: Geofyzikální ústav AV ČR
Contact person: Jan Zedník –