Our research activities are mainly oriented toward the research of the earthquake generation process and the propagation of the seismic waves. We use seismic waves generated by natural earthquakes and active experiments to study the structure of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle. We also investigate the physical processes in the foci of either natural or induced events (such as mining or drilling) and theoretical and numerical modelling in diverse environments. The Department of Seismology operates the Czech Regional Seismological Network, the local seismic network in West Bohemia/Vogtland (WEBNET), but also in other regions in Czechia and abroad (AlpArray, REYKJANET). The research workers in our department participate in various international projects and research infrastuctures (ICDP Eger, CzechGeo/EPOS, Ringen) in cooperation with many other scientific institutions.

Head of the working group: Jan Zedník, members: Petr Jedlička, Jana Bartizalová, Jan Kozák, Drahoslava Keistová

Team leader: Josef Horálek, members: Tomáš Fischer, Martin Bachura, Alena Boušková, Zuzana Procházková, Bohuslav Růžek, Jana Doubravová, Jakub Klicpera

Team leader: Jan Šílený, members: Ivan Pšenčík, Václav Vavryčuk, Petr Kolář, Petra Adamová, Zuzana Jechumtálová, Vojtěch Lávička

Team leader: Jaroslava Plomerová, members: Vladislav Babuška, Luděk Vecsey, Helena Munzarová, Jiří Kvapil, Hana Kampfová-Exnerová, technicians: Petr Jedlička, Josef Kotek

Team leader: Pavla Hrubcová, members: Jan Burjánek, Bohuslav Růžek