Employees of the Institute of Geophysics CAS devote themselves to activities popularizing science whether these are our own events for the public or our participation in the different nation-wide events connected with the popularization of science. You can meet our scientists at the following events: Earth Day on our scientific campus, the Science Fair and the Week of the Czech Academy of Sciences.

The campus of our Institute hosts Geopark Sporilov, where more than 40 rocks can be seen. The samples selected for the display come mainly from the Bohemian Massif, a geological unit forming most of the Czech Republic. With the help of educational materials posted in the park and on our website, the public thus can gain a better understanding of the long and varied geological evolution of our country, and link it to hands-on experience provided by the rocks themselves.

In cooperation with municipalities, we established two geophysical museums where visitors can learn about seismic phenomena and methods of their registration and research. In the Museum of Seismometry in Kasperske Hory, visitors can view historic seismometers and data acqusition systems, learn a lot about almost two thousand year old history of the seismometers, how they worked and the evolution of the construction of seismometers since the 19th century. In the Museum of Geophysics in Skalna visitors are guided by an interactive exhibit through seismology, from plate tectonics to the latest findings about seismic swarms in West Bohemia/Vogtland.