Team Leader: Dr. Graham Hill
Research Focus
The Volcanic and Magmatic Processes (VMP) group’s research focus is to better understand the eruptive dynamics of volcanic systems, the generation of magmas, and the relationship between magmatic systems and lithospheric tectonics/crustal evolution. The study of fundamental volcano‐magmatic processes is complex and occurs over multiple scales and depths necessitating a broad group of research methods (geophysical analysis, numerical & analogue modelling, field and laboratory observations) to provide an integrated picture of the processes controlling magma generation through eruption. The group’s main research areas are (1) magma propagation and reservoir dynamics, (2) tectonic controls on magmatic process, and (3) eruption dynamics. A second focus of the group is the role of geofluids in geologic processes including mineralization and evolution of Archean craton, salt tectonics, and extensional systems.
Ongoing Projects:
Mount Erebus a window into Alkalic volcanic systems (Hill – PI: Royal Society of New Zealand)
Side-stepping the viscosity density trap: the interaction of andesitic and rhyolite volcanism the Novarupta – Mount Katmai system, Alaska (Hill – PI: Lumina Quaeruntur)
D-Rex: Deposit to regional exploration of Archean cratonic magmatic mineralization (Hill – PI: ERAMIN2 ERC)
GOLETA: The role of anisotropy in the Antarctic Mantle on isostatic adjustment and sea level rise (Hill – CoI: Spanish Ministry of Science)
Comparison of geophysical and geological structures of the Western Carpathian lithosphere with other orogenic areas in Europe (Klanica – PI: Czech Academy of Sciences)
Graham J. Hill | PhD | Senior researcher (team leader) | Electromagnetics, magmatic processes & volcanism, active tectonics & rift evolution, Archean geodynamics & mineralization | |
Catherine Annen | PhD | Researcher | Catherine Annen is using numerical simulation to investigate how magma chambers form, how magmas differentiate, and how magmatic systems work at the scale of the crust | |
Světlana Kováčiková | Ing, PhD | Researcher | Electromagnetics, electrical conductivity modelling | |
Radek Klanica | Mgr, PhD | Researcher | Electromagnetics, magnetics, tectonics, maar structures | |
Hana Hanzlíková | RNDr, PhD | Researcher | Space weather, archival geomagnetic measurements | |
Juraj Kyselica | Mrg, PhD | Researcher | Geological fluid mechanics, phase-change processes, partially-solidified systems, flows in porous media, magnetohydrodynamics | |
Ján Šimkanin | RNDr, PhD | Researcher | Magnetohydrodynamics, fluid dynamics |
Aerial view of Mount Erebus, Ross Island, Antarctica (photo: GJ Hill)
Mount Katmai site of the largest eruption of the 20th century where contemporaneous eruption occurred at both Mount Katmai (pictured) and 10 km away a the new Novarupta vent, Alaska, USA (photo: GJ Hill)
MT measurements to image the West Antarctic Rift System, Antarctica (photo: GJ Hill)
MT measurements at the Lusatian Fault near Ještěd, Czech Republic (photo – R. Klanica, 2019)
MT measurements at Mount St Helens, USA (photo: GJ Hill)